Nothing much is going on here with me. I don't have any funny stories to tell, no cats in skillet, that was such a funny story!! There are so many of you out there that have lovely things to write and I enjoy reading about them all!! I have been working on lampshades, collage art and some other things. Seems like I bounce around from room to room trying to get several things done at once.
It has finally cooled off here so I can get back to the camper and get my fall displays done in the shop!!! Yippee! Maybe I can even drink some hot tea or apple cider. Yum!! the camper isn't any fun when I get all hot and sweaty out there. that isn't my idea of cozy.
I got another piece of art done and one ready to frame!! The blue and gold lamp shade is my newest shade. and look at what my sweet friend Polly sent me~Cherry Camper goodies! What a great surprise!
I did get my cherry decals for my camper and got those up. I will have to post more photos of the camper. I painted a picture of cherries to hang up out there. Can't seem to find anythat look right, so I will just paint them myself!! I will show you those when they are done!