So far 2008 has been a very snowy start to the new year, We had a few inches of snow and it is now 4 above zero. I love the snow but I don't like it
this cold! Yesterday I didn't do the "Removal of the Christmas" I decided I can do that any ol' time, not too often do I get an extra day with my antique store closed. (since I live behind my store it always feels like I have company even if I am not working) So I took advantage of the quiet time, I got a nap by the fireplace, I read a few magazines, (actually looked at the photos, lol) and I spent

some time in my craft room making a few things. Some got finished and others are just started. It was a nice cozy day! To me that is what January is all about here in the Midwest, staying cozy. Think I will make some potato cheese soup, sounds good on a day like today.
I have posted photos of some of my projects, finished and unfinished. Also a photo of the lamp shade I made for part of m

y sisters Christmas.
Last Friday I got out to an antique/junk store and here is the little bit that I found there, can you see a theme going here? Not sure what I am going to do with the metal ice cream spoons but I couldn't pass up 35 of them for $6 and my rose hat box was only $3. I got all of this for less than $20, I thi

nk I got a steal!
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!