I received a You Make My Day Award from Michelle over at
I'm A Little Teapot, Thank you Michelle! That was so sweet of you to think of me!! I need to pass this on and I would love to pass it on to everyone I visit but I will have to pick 2~Lisa at
A Thing for Roses and Casii at
Granny Panty Chic.
Nothing much has been going on this week, Let's see..........I am still recovering from bronchitis and Tuesday I coughed so hard I cracked my rib, talk about pain! You just don't realize how much your ribs are involved in what you do, and nothing cuts a sneeze off faster than the sharp pain of a cracked rib, LOL. I haven't had a good sneeze in days. We were suppose to get a big snowstorm Thursday but it wasn't big at all:-( we only got around 6 inches, what a bummer I wanted to have the store closed for a snow day. I did open late, no way I could

shovel so I had to wait on someone to come in and do that.
Tonight is date night but it will be VERY casual, the only thing I want to be is comfy this weekend. Flannel pants all day tomorrow!
My living room is still full of vintage clothes, linens, hankies, gloves, and lots of other estate goodies. No place else for the stuff to go so for now instead of a Christmas tree I have a clothing rack. I love having stuff to sort!! When I buy, I buy in bulk and I buy it cheap! LOL that is the only way to get it:-)

This photo of all the pink pretties is in my living room. It isn't decorated for Valentine's Day but I think it would work if I just tucked a few pink ones in here and there. I just love pink roses. The lampshade I made out of a damaged Victorian velvet and trimmed it with old metallic trim. The other photo that has the flue covers is also in my living room. I love to be surrounded by antiques and I really like my roses!
I need to get my Heart Swap stuff finished and shipped out on Monday. I do hope my partner likes her things. We are doing all pink and I have had a hard time to come up with all pink Valentine things. As soon as she gets it I will post photos of what I sent. Does anyone ever worry if their partner will like what they have sent? This was my 1st swap and I guess those thoughts have just gone through my mind. Here is a peek of what I have for her.

I don't really care who wins the Super Bowl I just hope there are some great commercials! Have a fun weekend!!