I actually found time today to get some things in my new Etsy store!! I have several things to put in but everything takes so much time! The pink tags with the little girl in bonnets went to the Etsy store. I finished up a new collage and the wallpaper background came from the sweet Lisa at a
Thing For Roses. The Christmas window I did is for sale in my antique mall, I have it hanging outside in the entrance instead of a wreath;-) The other photos are little areas of my vintage Christmas decorations. You can check out the side bar for my Esty store and while you are there check out new banner from Mary at
IsabellasCloset made for me using one of my collage photos. I also have a few altered Christmas clipboards I made that I have added in the store. Up there at the top of this post, is a set of Christmas ornaments out of old metal Christmas light reflectors and vintage wallpaper. Those were fun!
Ok question~Does anyone ever feel like they just keep spinning in circles, work and working but seem to be getting nowhere? I have been feeling a lot like that lately. I think there is just so much I WANT to do and trying to make time for it all. But here's a plus for me!~ do I have all my Christmas decorating done!! I am sitting by my tree now with the fireplace on, cozy:-) (wish my camera would take a decent picture of my tree, I will have to keep trying) Tonite I am all alone and plan on spending the entire evening in

my workroom so I can get more things done.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and who managed to go out on Black Friday? Not me, I remember how scary Kohl's was last year!
Ok this is posting is short, sweet and all over the place, lol, told you I was spinning in circles;-)